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Index of Chilkat Blog Posts

August 2, 2007

FTP Site "mapin" Command

This post shows sample FTP "site mapin" call and the response received (from the SessionLog). First, here’s the method call:

ChilkatFtp2.Quote("Site mapin text (rec=150 characters, block=06, filekind=data)")

Here’s the result as seen from the ftp2.SessionLog:

Site mapin text (rec=150 characters, block=06, filekind=data)
200-Local SITE Command processing report
 MAPIn value(s) just set:
   MAPIN Text
     Characterset              = Not Specified
     FileCharacterset          = Not Specified
     ProtCharacterset          = Not Specified
     Blockingfactor            = 6
     Filekind                  = DATA
     Recordlength              = 150 Characters
     Add                       = All
     Folding                   = Not Specified
     ID                        = Not Specified
     Tab                       = Not Specified
200 End of Local SITE Command processing report

The only reason I posted this was to show a working "site mapin" command with valid syntax…
If you don’t know what a "mapin" command is, you definitely don’t need it — it’s for MVS MainFrame systems…

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